Burn Therapy Exercise Leaflets and Videos
The following Burn Therapy Exercise Leaflets are available:
We have also developed burns therapy exercise videos to provide patients with a visual reminder of how to correctly perform each exercise movement. The aim is that the exercise videos should encourage burn patients to exercise on a regular basis and at any time of day. This helps to reduce the risk of burn patients independently carrying out therapy exercises incorrectly as each video clip clearly shows how to hold each position and also the pace of each movement.
Voiceovers on each video clip will help burn patients to carry out their exercises correctly and on a regular basis in line with Burn Therapy Standards for therapy staff treating burn patients to ensure the best possible care is received by their patients. These videos will:
- ensure consistent information is provided from the Network to all burn service patients who require burns therapy exercise as part of their treatment and rehabilitation.
- support improved patient therapy rehabilitation outcomes across the Network.
Burn patients will continue to be seen by a burn care therapist and receive verbal advice regarding how to correctly carry out therapy exercises. Exercise leaflets and supporting videos reinforce this advice. Each leaflet now includes a ‘Quick Reference’ (QR) code which, once scanned by a mobile device, will direct the burn patient to the supporting exercise video. Each leaflet also provides burn patients with clear simple instructions regarding how to download a free QR code ‘app’ for use on any mobile device if this is required.